about stria.eu

At a time of low interest rates, more and more people are looking a way to proliferate money, yet deposited on current and savings accounts, term deposits, entrusted to managers of mutual funds and similarly. Lots of people do not know how to start.

Since 2019, I strive to spread financial knowledge to the public. I am specialized to investing in dividend stocks and increasing financial literacy in society.

Let this site to be your guide and cookbook on the way to your financial independence.

my mission

I Share Financial Knowledge

My goal is that your financial literacy is at high level 1 year since your first visit of stria.eu. You can distinguish between good and bad debt, assets and liabilities, and you know what the cashflow is and how to invest wisely. Finally, YOU are the one who is doing that!

I Reveal Know-How of Investing in Dividend Stocks

You will be able to invest in dividend stocks on your own, pick the suitable stock to the stocks portfolio on your own, and manage your dividend portfolio. Let’s get the party started!

I Inspire & Encourage the World

Get inspired by thoughts of the week!

my vision

of people invest on their own

of people live year by year better quality of life

of people are financially literate

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